Monday, August 31, 2009

Review: Ristorante Paradiso

Will man im Anime-Business massiv Kohle machen – was von Jahr zu Jahr schwerer wird – dann setzt man auf die gerade angesagten Standards. Zwei feine Beispiele aus der jüngeren Vergangenheit wären K-ON! und Saki; beide Anime greifen auf die selben Standards zurück: nach Möglichkeit so kurz wie möglich berockte Schulmädchen, die noch jünger aussehen als sie eh schon angelegt sind; obligatorische onsen- und Strandepisoden; Fanservice und (homo-) sexuelle Innuendos; limitiertes intellektuelles Niveau; eingängige catch phrases (Azu~nyan~); etc pp. Und das klappt ausgezeichnet, beide Shows verkaufen sich wie blöde.

Aber nicht jedes Studio kann das auch (dafür ist ganz einfach kein Platz auf dem Markt), und das will sicherlich auch nicht jedes Studio. Auch dort sind Kreative am Werk, und die haben in erster Linie etwas zu erzählen und nicht zu verkaufen. Nicht jedes Projekt kann ein K-ON! sein, aber das muss es auch nicht: auch am Ende des Long Tails lässt es sich gut aushalten. Fuji TV weiß das: bereits seit 2005 werden für den noitaminA-Slot Anime ausgewählt, die sich nicht an die verkaufsstärkste Zielgruppe richten – und das mit einem solchen Erfolg, dass der Sender im Herbst letzten Jahres mit NOISE einen zweiten timeslot reservierte und nun auch jeden Donnerstag nachts  um 02:08 Anime ausstrahlt, die auf die ein oder andere Weise vom Standard abweichen. Die werden sich zwar nicht so prall verkaufen wie Saki – aber an Qualität sind sie um Welten voraus.  Drei Titel waren das bislang: Michiko to Hatchin, Ristorante Paradiso und Aoi Hana; und alle drei sind richtig prima. Vor kurzem habe ich Ristorante Paradiso – etwas verspätet – zu Ende schauen können; Anlass genug für ein kurzes Review.

Und so begab es sich zu Rom, in einer der verwinkelten Gassen der Altstadt, in einem kleinen Restaurant mit dem malerischen Namen casetta dell’orso, das so viel heißt wie Bärenhäuschen… ein wenig fängt es an wie ein Märchen oder eine Sage: das Mädchen Nicoletta reist vom Land in die große Stadt, um nach ihrer Mutter zu suchen. Diese hinterließ sie bei der Großmutter, weil ihr neuer Mann keine Kinder mochte. Nicoletta aber ist nun erwachsen geworden und will ihre Mutter stellen, nicht ohne Groll. Dabei stößt sie das besagte casetta, das dem Gatten ihrer Mutter gehört – und nur reife, gesetzte und vor allem bebrillte Herren beschäftigt. Köche, Kellner, der Sommelier: sie alle tragen nicht nur Brillen, sehr zum Gefallen von Nicolettas Mutter, sondern sind auch so charmant und elegant, dass kein Tisch lange leer bleibt. Zu viele Damen sind betört vom Personal, und auch um Nicoletta ist es bald geschehen. Claudio hat es ihr angetan, der höfliche und zuvorkommende cameriere, trotz des enormen Altersunterschiedes. Und so geht sie in diesem Ristorante Paradiso in die Lehre…

Slice of Life ist mittlerweile ziemlich übel beleumundet. Was kein Wunder ist, wird das Genre doch allzu häufig von eher mauen Shows in Beschlag genommen, die sich der Bequemlichkeit des Genres ergeben und mit dem Abspulen simpler 4koma-Gags zufrieden geben. Ristorante Paradiso macht das nicht nur anders, sondern besser. Im Gegensatz zu Anime mit kontinuierlichen storylines kann man im Slice of Life Schlaglichter setzen. Man kann den Blick schweifen lassen, so wie man sich in einem Café mit einer Tasse Macchiato zurücklehnen und durch das Schaufenster das Treiben auf der Straße beobachten kann. Das Setting bietet sich an: im casetta treffen sich viele Figuren, deren Geschichten jede für sich Augenmerk verdienen.

Da wäre etwa Gigi, der Wein- und Feinkost-Connaisseur und Halbbruder Lorenzos, des Besitzers des ristoranto.  Seine Geschichte ist die eines junges Mannes, der in ein konfliktreiches Familiengeflecht hineinwächst und sich mit seinen eigenen Schuldgefühlen auseinandersetzen muss, um seinen eigenen Platz im Leben zu finden. Der Koch Teo, der jüngste unter den Angestellten, war früher zornig und wusste einfach nicht, wohin es ihn treibt, was er im Leben erreichen will. Seine Chefin Vanna war in seinen Augen eine strenge und ungerechte Lehrmeisterin, aber an ihr wuchs er auch zu einem besseren Menschen und fand seinen Weg. Claudio, sein Kollege im Gastraum, ist ein gelassener, souveräner Mann – doch er begann als verschüchterter und verzweifelter Hilfskellner in einem Hotelrestaurant und war mehrfach kurz davor, aufzugeben, bis auch er etwas fand, wofür und wodurch er leben wollte.

Oft genug laufen derlei Geschichten ja Gefahr, ihre eigenen moralinsauren und beschränkten Lehren anzupreisen. Jede dieser Stories hätte ein simpel gestricktes Fallbeispiel sein können: was passiert, wodurch es sich ändert, was man daraus lernen kann. Das ist bei Ristorante Paradiso nicht der Fall – zum einen, weil die Geschichten genug Freiräume für Ambiguitäten und unperfekte Auflösungen lassen. Gigi etwa wird es nie loslassen können, dass er eine Teilschuld am Tod seines Vaters trug. Und Claudio ist trotz seiner ruhigen Art verunsichert und in der Schwebe, im Niemandsland. Seine Ehe ist schon lange vorbei, und doch kann er seinen Ehering nicht ablegen.

Letztlich sind all diese Geschichten Illustrationen für Nicolettas eigene, zahlreiche Dilemmas. Als junges Mädchen vom Land, noch am Anfang ihrer eigenen Entwicklung, ist sie auf einmal mit all diesen gesetzten Persönlichkeiten konfrontiert, die alle schon angekommen zu sein scheinen. Das kennt jeder, der in seinem Leben jemals einen Job anfing oder eben nicht mehr nur Leute des selben Alters um sich hatte – plötzlich ist man verunsichert und weiß nicht, wohin mit sich selbst. Aber Nicoletta wächst daran. Sie gesteht sich ihre Unzulänglichkeiten ein, und sie stellt sich ihnen.

Das alles macht Ristorante Paradiso zwar nicht perfekt, aber doch reichlich gut. Der Anime ist kein großer Wurf, allerdings will er das auch gar nicht sein. Das junge Studio david macht seine Sache besser, als man es angesichts seiner Entstehungsgeschichte erwarten könnte, schließlich wurde es doch von ehemaligen Gonzo-Mitarbeitern gegründet. Nach zwei Jahren, in denen man sich mit Produktionsassistenz etwa für Bones und Sunrise in das Geschäft einarbeiten konnte, erschienen in diesem Jahr gleich zwei eigenständige Produktionen – die ganz ordentliche OVA-Serie DOGS und eben Ristorante Paradiso. Natürlich war das Budget arg begrenzt, schließlich ist david immer noch ein junges Studio, und mit sonderliche DVD-Verkäufe kaonnte man auch nicht kalkulieren. Das sieht man dem Anime auch an, die Animationsqualität ist doch recht durchschnittlich. Aber ganz geschickt nutzt man seine anderen Möglichkeiten, um diesen malus auszugleichen. Insbesondere die Hintergründe sind recht simpel gestaltet, aber sehr ausgefallen und eigen und mit starken Strichen gezeichnet und koloriert, manchmal fast schon comichaft – vor allem aber sind sie stimmig und tragen viel zum Charme der Serie bei. Das selbe gilt für das Charakter-Design mit seinen deutlichen Konturen. Damit nimmt man einigen Druck von der Animationsabteilung, weil stattdessen andere optische Qualitäten punkten können.

Unter dem Strich ist Ristorante Paradiso ein sehr fein gemachter Anime, der dem Anspruch der NOISE-Reihe sicherlich gerecht wird. Hier und da muss man als Zuschauer etwas Motivation aufbringen, um weiterzuschauen – aber das ist dem Slice of Life-Genre geschuldet und nicht dem Anime; es kann eben keine cliffhanger geben. Ristorante Paradiso ist, wie die meisten Anime seiner Art, nicht unbedingt story-driven, sondern character-driven. Und genau da findet Ristorante Paradiso sein Alleinstellungsmerkmal – es erzählt die Geschichte einiger Menschen, deren Wege nicht erst noch bevorstehen, sondern sie schon wohin führten. Es geht nicht darum, dass die Charaktere gemeinsam etwas erleben, sondern darum, dass sie gemeinsam und miteinander das, was sie schon erlebt haben, reflektieren. Diese zusätzliche Ebene tut Ristorante Paradiso sehr, sehr gut.

Überhaupt, das Bärenhäuschen. Das Restaurant, der Ort, an dem man sich wohlfühlt – köstliches Essen, herrliche Weine, und der Umgang mit kultivierten Menschen. Das ist ein schönes Setting und vor allem eines, das nicht allzu häufig in Anime beackert wurde. Nicht oft stehen nicht nur Erwachsene im Mittelpunkt eines Anime, sondern sogar ältere Menschen von fünfzig und sechzig Jahren, die eben nicht nur die obligatorisch alberne natto natto natto-Folie zu den jugendlichen Avataren liefern. Das ist sehr angenehm und entspannend und mit Sicherheit eine willkommene und benötigte Abwechslung vom Einerlei des Programms. Heißt natürlich auch nicht, dass Ristorante Paradiso ein Meisterwerk ist; dazu gibt es einfach zu viele bessere Anime, in der einen oder anderen Hinsicht. Aber man ist trotzdem froh um einen Anime wie diesen. 7,5/10


Sleepless Night

I got an indirect kiss. Hahaha, maybe I was the only one who noticed but, yeii~. Sunday… it’s just the day I see as “The day before Hetalia’s new episode start”. Gotta wait until 2 a.m. on Monday to watch in on NicoNico.

I got up and checked my mail. Had breakfast and after that watched Gintama and Reborn. The one with Ipin’s master is really cute. This original Arcobaleno arc is kind of … fun… but something like… I don’t know how much longer will this take. Is Reborn going to have a little time out to let the manga keep going, or we are going for the original end? Hopefully… I won’t mind a time out.

In the afternoon, I went to a friend house to do some homework. It’s really fun to do hw with them, well it’s more hillarous. We always end doing half of it, but then , as good procrastinators, catch up.

Started reading Yume de Aetara (If I see you in my dremas). Since I am a fan of “The house with the little orange roof”, wanted to check other works of the author and I came across with this. I remember it from Locomotion so I will be looking for the animation too.

Nothing interesting to talk about, not a rant, not fangirling, today I feel very “meh”… Maybe the indirect kiss is floating above me. Happiness~

Title inspiration: Round Table feat. Nino – Nemurenai Yoru

Image: みんと @ pixiv


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Kanamemo 01-Review

Wikipedia link: Kanamemo

Official Site: Kanamemo

Because her grandmother died, Kana Nakamachi leaves her house and begins searching for a job and another place to stay. From the beginning she observes a “Help wanted” poster at the Fuhshin Shinbun, a news-paper delivery store. The day passes and she tried so hard to get a job. But she couldn’t find any place to take her in. That’s how she will interact, in a painful way, with one of the girls from Fuhshin Shinbun.

From this point, she will be accepted as the new member of the store.

Being an orphan isn’t easy at all, that’s what this episode teaches us. The girls from the store will help her out and because they are all “good girls” they’ll make Kana’s life easier.

Funny situations, childish characters but with strong personalities [coming up an articles about the characters], lolis and yuri elements, in one word-Kanamemo first episode.

Kana-the main character

The staff of Fuhshin Shinbun

Meeting the supervisor[one of a kind]

Original air date : july 5 2009

Download link: Kanamemo Episode 1


Katekyo Hitman Reborn!


Katekyoshi Hitman Reborn – Opening 6 – Last Cross


This is the only anime that I have watched from the first episode. LOL. This is a really good one!

I have been learning how to write hiragana this past two days, because I would be taking Japanese Level2, so I need to learn. So by learning in advance, it’ll be faster for me cos i heard from my HTM friends that you need to know and learn all the 100 over characters(both hiragana and katakana).

Holidays’ at day2. and tomorrow’s teachers’ day and i’m going back to visit my teachers, esp. Mr Sekhar, Ms Santha and Mrs Tan.

I’ll shall update about tmr.



Saturday, August 29, 2009

The *Sigh* of Haruhi Suzumiya 3 - IMMA SHOOTIN' MAH LAZER!

The 3rd episode of the “Sigh of Haruhi” arc continues in this episode as the Brigade continues with their filming to show at the upcoming Cultural Festival. But wow, its been 3 weeks since Endless Eight ended. Even though I can still remember it like it was just last week. Okashi na??

Haruhi’s a freedom fighter =3

Quick! Mikuru-chan is surrounded by pigeons!

Another episode covering the Brigade’s progress in their Movie making project, this time focusing on the battle scenes, but after a sudden turn of events, began shooting the opening scenes. But since this Haruhi we’re speaking, just a normal episode would just be plain boring. Soo…

Ouch. That gotta hurt.


Apparently cause by Haruhi in wishing Mikuru-chan to actually shoot a laser in her left colour-contacted eye, so humanity itself made it happen (according to Koizumi). But inb4 the laser penetrating Kyon’s handycam and eye, Yuki arrives just in time to stop it. With a few grazings and burns as shown above.

Moving onto the highlights of the episode…

Surprise BUTT SECKS!

The laser cut Koizumi-kun’s reflector :<

Everyone stay back! Mikuru + Guns = OH SHI- *splat*

Giving worthy ideas to Haruhi will give you more screen time.

Find all the characters that has been based off of other KyoAni titles and been placed in the plaza~

When Mikuru-chan was about to be spared by Haruhi to finally wear normal casual clothes in the movie, after losing the colour contact when Yuki molested her…

The light of day when Haruhi permits casual clothes to be a tad interesting will never come. Ever.

When Haruhi and Mikuru are in the bushes having some fu- err I mean changing into the bunny costume, Koizumi and Yuki are explaining what happened with the laser incident when shooting the battle scene earlier on.

So Yuki DID took the contact.

The reason why reality only changes on Haruhi’s command is still unknown.

And so after a fun-filled day of filming the battle scenes which came to on-hold, and scenes of Mikuru-chan walking around town in a bunny costume, the day has come to an end.

The concept of Killing and Dieing once again takes place.

The next morning, for some reason Haruhi called Tsuruya, Taniguchi and Kunikida to help. And after a call from Mikuru-chan that she can’t come due to a sudden cold. Haruhi decides to go and pick her up. While Haruhi was gone Itsuki explains to Kyon that Yuki helped Mikuru get over herself. When the two return, Mikuru-chan secretly tells Kyon how Yuki helped her, which in fact that she bit her to inject “nanomachines” into her body. Haruhi leads everyone to the next shooting location, a lake near Koizumi’s house. And thus ending the episode in another cliffhanger.

One question, what are nanomachines?

Copypasta’d from Wiki;

(Redirected from Nanomachines)

Nanorobotics is the technology of creating machines or robots at or close to the microscopic scale of a nanometre (10-9 metres). More specifically, nanorobotics refers to the still largely hypothetical nanotechnology engineering discipline of designing and building nanorobots. Nanorobots (nanobots, nanoids, nanites or nanomites) would typically be devices ranging in size from 0.1-10 micrometers and constructed of nanoscale or molecular components. As no artificial non-biological nanorobots have yet been created, they remain a hypothetical concept.

Nanorobotics is that branch of nanotechnology,which deals with the study and application of creating machines or robots of microscopic nanoscale.

Another definition sometimes used is a robot which allows precision interactions with nanoscale objects, or can manipulate with nanoscale resolution. Following this definition even a large apparatus such as an atomic force microscope can be considered a nanorobotic instrument when configured to perform nanomanipulation. Also macroscale robots or microrobots which can move with nanoscale precision can also be considered nanorobots.

Nanomachines are largely in the research-and-development phase, but some primitive molecular machines have been tested. An example is a sensor having a switch approximately 1.5 nanometers across, capable of counting specific molecules in a chemical sample. The first useful applications of nanomachines, if such are ever built, might be in medical technology, where they might be used to identify cancer cells and destroy them. Another potential application is the detection of toxic chemicals, and the measurement of their concentrations, in the environment. Recently, Rice University has demonstrated a single-molecule car which is developed by a chemical process and includes buckyballs for wheels. It is actuated by controlling the environmental temperature and by positioning a scanning tunneling microscope tip.

I have no idea what that is. But made me confused whether Mikuru-chan was actually a human or ghost.

Anyways, in the next episode the filming continues with the appearances of the supporting characters (Tsuruya, Taniguchi and Kunikida) making their move into the new episode rush, with the brigade heading to a lake near Koizumi’s house. Another purely concentrated slice of life episode it may seems.


(PS. Screencaps of episode reviews will now be hosted on Photobucket. As a way on saving some space on my WordPress media  space.)


Friday, August 28, 2009

Iron Clowns must get a "foam nose" exemption...

…because Danny never has his on when I see him.  He has been known to wear hats, though:

Danny Hirajeta (aka Iron Clown Studios) is a regular guest at the North Regional Branch teen writing club, Write Here, Right Now, and he graciously created artwork for this year’s Librari-Con. 

He was recently interviewed for The Fayetteville Feed (read it here), and if you’d like to meet him and check out his artwork first hand, make sure to stop by Artist’s Alley on September 5th. 

It’s always nice to be able to promote someone who shares their time and talent with the library and the teens that we serve.  Thank you, Danny! 




Gundam tama�o real por aniversario de la serie

Seguramente muchos de los que leen esto, tuvieron muñecos de robots.

Ya sea de Transformers, Mazinger Z -o- hasta Gundman.

¿Pero se imaginan uno hecho del tamaño original?

Esta no es una noticia nueva, este Gundman de 18 metros de altura está desde Marzo 2009.

Sin embargo, este mes (Agosto 2009) termina su plazo.

Bandai lo colocó para conmemorar los 30 años de esta serie.

Me parece impresionante como se ve de noche.

¡Por estas cosas dan ganas de ir a Japón!


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Anime News - Paprika pode virar Live Action

Pra começar, Paprika é uma obra criada por Yasutaka, e que teve um longa produzido em 2006 pelo diretor diretor Satoshi Kon (Perfect Blue, Tokyo Godfathers) e a estória gira em torno de uma terapia não aprovada que por meio de um aparelho chamado DC Mini, torna possível ver e até entrar nos sonhos das pessoas. O que seria uma grande revolução no tratamento para certos transtornos psiquiátricos se torna um problema quando o aparelho é roubado.

Segundo o Site Moviehole, o diretor alemão Wolfgang Petersen (A História Sem Fim, La Tormenta Perfecta e Tróia) estaria trabalhando na versão Live Action de Paprika. Outa coisa que chama a atenção é que Wolfgang está a 3 anos sem dirigir, desde a super produção Poseidon.

Basta agora esperar né, será que veremos outro Dragon Ball Hollywoodiano? E por falar em Dragon Ball, o segundo filme tem a possibilidade de ser gravado… ridículo.

Ai vai a abertura o longa de 2006:

Link pra quem segue o FEED/RSS (seeeei): Paprika Opening


Hayate no Gotoku!! 2nd Season Episode 21 - Tiger Troubles

Main focus of the episode.

First of all, happy birthday to Ryu of #GameKings!

An episode about Tama and Nagi’s first meeting eight years ago, Nagi’s promise to Tama, and Shiranui’s budding friendship with Tama. Make way as the talking tiger takes the lead in this episode.

Expect lots of Tama and 1% Klaus.

Last time, we were bombard–I mean, mesmerized by the amount of maids in the show about butlers and rich people. Oh yes, and love-comedy. Linn got everyone with his April Fool’s joke and even got Isumi into cosplaying and taking it seriously. We also met Haru-san, Sakuya’s maid, who turns out to be Harukaze Chiharu, part of the Student Council.

The episode starts with a flashback of 8 years ago in Africa. A very young Nagi was wandering around in the wild with someone named Jenny.

Someone named Jenny.

It seems that they are lost. Nagi wonders why as she compares herself to Isumi. She then hears a faint sort of whimpering sound. She suddenly heads over to where the sound is coming and she found a small white tiger, who will be later the Tama we all know and love.

Nagi, super loli version.

Tama, super... kitty version?

Back to the Sanzenin Estate of the present, Nagi and Maria were watching TV. There was a news about an anaconda which had been kept as a pet nearby and caused some commotion among the neighbors.

It's the joke.

Hayate, upon seeing them caressing such a dangerous animal in the living room, tells them that there is one right inside the mansion. Nagi then mistakenly identifies the dangerous animals as the large caterpillars from last year. Hayate isn’t sure anymore anyway if Tama is really a tiger. Tama can talk, walk on his hind legs and even play Guitar Hero. Tama signals Hayate to come with him for a second.

"Hey, babe... I lost my number, can I have yours?"

At the storeroom, Tama pins Hayate to the wall. Tama asks him what that earlier comment was about. If he plans to get Tama kicked out of the mansion, Tama threatens to hurt him badly. Tama waltzes off. Of course, that only proves Hayate’s point. Tama IS dangerous.

As Tama walks off, he becomes annoyed that Hayate seems to be full of himself recently. He plans to take him out so he can be with Nagi without any hindrances. He then spots his second rival, Shiranui.

Shiranui censor!

Upon seeing Tama, Shiranui playfully runs off, making Tama run after Shiranui. A delivery truck was parked in front of the mansion door and the delivery man was greeted by Maria. Unknown to them, Shiranui jumps inside the back of the truck and Tama follows. Tama then claims that he has cornered Shiranui but then everything turns dark. The back of the truck had closed and the truck drives off…

The End...~ Just kidding.

Back inside the mansion, Hayate asks Nagi why she picked up Tama. Nagi explains that it was about the time that her mother had died. The mansion had a lot of memories of her late mother so it was too painful for her to stay inside. She went to places where she will be able to ease her pains. That is, Africa.

"Because that's what people do when they're mourning. They go to Africa."

We return to where the flashback ended earlier. Nagi asks Jenny what it was as it looks like a tiger. Jenny tells her that there are no longer white tigers in the world so it’s probably a cat. Nagi insists it looks like a tiger but Jenny tells her that there are no tigers in Africa and that’s a fact so it’s definitely a cat.

Foreigners have such bad mouths, don't they?

Jenny says she feels bad for the “cat” as it is going to die. Nagi asks why and Jenny points out…

Because Africa is always associated with the great wildlife.

Nagi begs Jenny to help the cat. Jenny says it’s impossible and Nagi tells her to use her gun. Jenny then explains that it may look like a real rifle, but it’s actually just a lighter.

Now I know what I want for my next birthday...

Jenny adds that she bought it from the souvenir shop at the airport. Nagi tells her to not buy such misleading things. But that also means that they’re also in trouble…

Of course, humans are edible as well.

Nagi quickly makes a resolve. She runs up to the “cat” and picks it up, running for her life at the same time. Jenny uses her lighter to fend off the wild beasts for a bit and then they make a run for it. Nagi promises the “cat” that she will protect it no matter what happens. Jenny tells Nagi that the beasts have caught up to them. Suddenly, an explosion happens, sending the beasts away from a spell tag.

Mini Isumi appears as well.

As expected, it was Isumi who saved them. The SPs have found Nagi as well. Isumi walks up to Nagi and Isumi calls it a “kitty”. Nagi asks why and Isumi provides the same explanation as Jenny. There are no tigers in Africa, plus it’s white, so it’s definitely a cat. Nagi now fully believes it to be a harmless cat after she hears it from Isumi.

Isumi asks Nagi what she’s going to do with the “cat”. Nagi doesn’t really know. They couldn’t find its mother. Jenny then says that its mother is long gone now. Nagi asks how Jenny knew and Jenny explains that it’s her ninja skill. Nagi becomes shocked that Jenny had such a skill yet she didn’t use it against those beasts earlier.

Nagi then raises up the “cat” and proclaims that from that day onwards, she will become the mother of the “cat”. She will protect it no matter what happens.

In memory of Tama...

After the flashback, Hayate seems impressed that there was such a story behind Tama’s discovery. Nagi adds that it was a dramatic story. Hayate asks her who Jenny is and Nagi says she doesn’t really know. Hayate is flabbergasted that Nagi went with a total stranger but Nagi assures him that Jenny is the younger sister of a friend. Hayate asks her how old Jenny is at that time and Nagi says Jenny was four years old. Hayate becomes even more shocked as Jenny appeared very big in that flashback. Nagi says it must be because of her ninja skills. Hayate gives up and just comments that Tama is very lucky to have been found by such a caring person.

Speaking of Tama… he finds himself on a port… away from the mansion.

Tama starring in Umineko no Naku Koro ni.

Tama wanders around. He thinks of a way to return. He figures out that calling the police would be out of the question. He’s a tiger after all. He wonders what would happen if he gets spotted by a human. He passes by an opened warehouse with a radio which happens to be turned on. The news was a follow-up on the anaconda case. It seems the giant snake had been shot as soon as it was spotted. It was a very dangerous animal after all. The newscaster adds that if it was a tiger, they would do the same. Tama starts to run away as fast as he could. If he gets spotted by a human, he’s history!

Part B. Maria pours tea on Nagi’s cup and Nagi wonders where Tama is. Maria says she doesn’t know but Tama has been away for quite a while. She’s sure that Tama would return if he gets hungry.

Meanwhile, Tama was still thinking of a way on how to return to the mansion without being seen by humans and getting shot. He was hiding inside a drum until a wrecking ball almost crushes him dead. He runs off, panicking.

He still hasn't grown tired from watching over and over... Ghosts sure are oblivious to time.

Back at the mansion, Hayate was busy dusting some things and Linn was STILL watching the video of Isumi falling on her face on the TV, rewinding and playing over and over that part. Linn asks Hayate if it’s okay with him that the white tiger was mistakenly shipped away in the delivery truck. Hayate becomes alerted and shocked.

Back with Tama. Tama was hiding under a high railroad. He blames Shiranui for getting him stuck under the clutches of human society. Suddenly, Shiranui rolls over to hum. Tama jumps on Shiranui and hugs the kitten. He’s very thankful to have found Shiranui as he’s already getting lonely. He claims that they have to work together in order to get back home and Shiranui runs off. Tama, of course, follows.

As Shiranui goes into a corner, Tama skids to a halt as he hears two female voices. He peeks and sees Shiranui being picked up by Izumi and Miki was with her. Miki and Izumi comment on how cute Shiranui is and suddenly, Shiranui slides inside Izumi’s clothes.

Shiranui found another kitty.

Dancing Izumi... I'd greatly appreciate it if someone would make a .gif out of this scene.

Shiranui starts moving around Izumi’s clothes, tickling her and making her do a little dance. Miki watches as the lucky pervert moves around Izumi’s clothes. Shiranui jumps down and runs off after that. Tama greets Shiranui back and found out that Shiranui actually took Izumi’s cellphone.

Cats are mischievous creatures. Just ask Tom.

Tama discovers that it was one of the latest phones with GPS and commends Shiranui. He quickly uses the map and determines their position. Now the way home is… he doesn’t know… he doesn’t know the address of the mansion.

Since it was the latest phone he’s holding, he’s not going to give up easily. He posts on a forum for help on directions. But all he got were crappy replies.

Everyone knows ascii is 1337 and stuff.

One was even from Kyonosuke Kaoru and one was from Klaus himself. After a while, a decent reply arrived that he should check the phone’s contact list. Of course! Tama realized that those two girls were from Nagi’s school and they’ve been to the mansion a few times as well. He quickly checks the address book and sees the mansion’s contact info.

He hides himself in a steel drum and runs through the streets. He thanks Shiranui for the help but then sees that Shiranui wasn’t with him anymore. He spots Shiranui playing with a doll in the middle of the street.

This is the usual formula for a heroic save.

Tama shouts at Shiranui that Shiranui would be killed if a car comes by and a truck arrives. Tama panics on what to do. He can choose to let Shiranui get run over, that way, he can be Nagi’s only pet. He already has his directions back so there’s no need for Shiranui to be with him anymore. If he saves Shiranui, his cover will be blown, he might be shot to death even after surviving the car crash. He makes a resolve and pushes Shiranui off, but as the truck almost hits Tama…

The Sanzenin butler is a friend to all living things.

As they safely go back to the sidewalk, Hayate tells Tama that if he gets hurt, Nagi would become very saddened. The people around becomes afraid after Tama is exposed. They tell Hayate to run away but Hayate explains to them that such a short-legged and ugly tiger could not exist so it’s only a costume. The crowd then agrees that such an ugly tiger could not be real. They all leave.


Hayate, Tama and Shiranui make it home safely and sees Nagi in front of a laptop. Nagi asks Hayate where he went and Hayate just tells her that he was out to do some small thing. Hayate adds that Nagi should go out more as well but Nagi explains that even by being at home, she can help people in the real world. She says that just now, she helped a person return home.

The view zooms in the laptop’s screen and shows that it was Nagi who gave Tama the helpful advice that he needed at that time.

And so, Nagi has kept her promise up to this day...

Dancing Izumi is priceless.

For a Tama and Shiranui-centered episode, this wasn’t such a boring one after all. I really underestimated the power of this series.

The part in Africa was very hilarious. They do stress out the fact that there are no tigers in Africa but the other animals there are just funny. I seem to remember reading the bio for Tama in the manga by the author saying that people have said that “There are no tigers in Africa” rather than actually be surprised that THERE IS A TALKING TIGER.

As Season 2 is about to end, which arc would they feature last? What could be the ending for this season? I’ll be curious up until episode 23 or 24. But still, I want more~ I guess I’ll just have to read the manga.

Well, next episode will be about Nagi… and Ayumu? Wait… working in Cafe Donguri? Maria in casual wear? No signs of Hina? Well, let’s just wait and see.

This is the Bunny Chief, over and out!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea

Hayao Miyazaki has been called the Walt Disney of Japan. His gorgeously animated films have always had cult popularity in America, but his fame and success have skyrocketed in the USA after his films began to be dubbed, distributed and released on by (appropriately) Disney. You might have seen titles such as Nausicaä, Castle in the Sky, My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki’s Delivery Service, Porco Rosso, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away and Howl’s Moving Castle – all available on DVD through CADL.

Miyazaki’s latest animated masterpiece, Ponyo (full title “Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea”), has just been released to theaters on a limited basis. It tells the story of a goldfish named Ponyo who befriends a five-year old boy and wants to become a human girl. The film has a 92% rating at RottenTomatoes at present, and is playing in Lansing-area theaters. The all-star English-language voice cast includes Cate Blanchett, Noah Cyrus, Matt Damon, Tina Fey and Liam Neeson. See it while you can, and don’t forget to check-out more films and art books from Miyazaki (click here) and Studio Ghibli at your local library!


W3 News Bits | Chris Nolan's Inception teaser, Megan Fox as Catwoman!?, Persona 3 Portable official site

Christopher Nolan’s Inception teaser trailer is up. You can watch it here. No one really knows what’s it all about (seriously), except the fact that it’s a contemporary sci-fi thriller and has guys entering peoples’ minds/dreams (!?). I know, but it sounds promising. Especially if it’s from the same dude who directed The Dark Knight and Memento. Not to mention it has a stellar A-list cast such as Leo Di Caprio, Ken Watanabe, Ellen Page, Cillian Murphy, Michael Caine and Cobra Commander.

Megan Fox as Catwoman?! According to The Sun, everyone’s favorite Transformers actress (…right *sarcasm*) has just signed up to play Selina Kyle in the still-rumored-but-we- know-it’s-coming next Batman movie. What. The. Fuck. I’m sorry but I’m don’t have the biggest crush on her (still don’t get why fanboys are raving about her anyway). And even if I do, I still don’t think a guy like Chris Nolan will consider someone like her for such a crucial role. BS is the word.

Persona 3 Portable official website goes live. Linky. It’s vanilla at the moment, but you can at least listen to some of the female protagonist’s music samples. It appears selecting her also gets you some new tunes that differ a lot from our favorite emo P3 kid, Minato.

Level 5 announces a new DS RPG – Fantasy Life. Developed by Brownie Brown (Heroes of Mana, Mother 3), it’s an Animal Crossing like RPG where players create an avatar and help their common townspeople with their everyday chores and task. Sounds… engaging. Let’s not dish the fact that it looks like a certain well-beloved Nintendo J-RPG. No surprise there considering Brownie Brown’s involved. Musical score will be handled by Nobuo Uematsu so rest assured it’ll sound catchy and awesome.

*sigh* Remember that Level 5 event I mentioned weeks ago? That was it. Sadly they didn’t announce some biggie console stuff such as White Knight Chronicles 2 and Dark Cloud 3. I’m sure L5 fans will find that more appealing than a couple of DS J-RPGs because, let’s face it, the DS has TONS of J-RPGs already. I’m positive we could use more in our HD consoles don’t you agree? Sad sad…

Capcom trademarks Okamiden. OMG! OKAMI SEQUEL CONFIRMED?! Maybe, but I don’t wanna get too excited considering Okami creator Hideki Kamiya will not be involved in this one if ever.

New Berserk Anime on the way? Looks like it based from these leaked screenshots. Anyone who has seen the original show knows that this is a huge fucking deal. Sure, the Manga can easily be tracked if you want to know what happens next after that ridiculous cliffhanger ending as seen in the Anime adaptation. But don’t you want to witness all those blood and carnage in 24-30 frames per second?


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Ame-Comi Figures from DC Direct!

To some, anime is the worst thing to happen to the comic book world, infiltrating it with an unwelcome aesthetic and rabid fanbase the non-manga-readers want no part of. But to others, anime complements the world of Western heroes and brings the characters to life in a completely new way while still maintaining the core sensibilities.

These are toys for the second group.

From DC Direct, we’ve got the Ame-Comi statuettes and figures, featuring the women of DC (oh, and Batman as the lone male) like you’ve never seen them before. Wonder Woman, Catwoman, Huntress, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn and more! They’re all here in this deluxe collection featuring the work of some truly talented designers. Click the pics to take a look at the whole collection, but first, here’s one of the more recent figures featuring a wild revamp for the Dark Knight:
